A quirky view of a woman’s anxieties during her first mammogram.
Overwhelmed by fear when facing her first mammogram after losing her mother to breast cancer, a young woman’s anxieties take her to an alternate world where all the patients join together in dance. MAMMOGRAM brings a breath of fresh air and a different perspective on a very scary subject.
16mm, colour, 7 minutes
Starring Megan Dunlop, Mary Margaret O’Hara & Michelle Smith
With dancers Holly Small, Nenagh Leigh, Vivine Scarlett, Rina Singha.
Choreography by Andrea Nann
Music by Mary Margaret O’Hara
Cinematography by Marcos Arriaga
Story by Michelle Smith
Written & Directed by Lisa Hayes
Production supported by BravoFACT!, The Ontario Arts Council, and The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Canada.
Selected Screenings
Breast Fest Film Festival
November 19-21, 2010
Flying Broom Women’s Film Festival,
Ankara, Turkey
May 5-15, 2005
Women in the Director’s Chair Film & Video Festival
Chicago, USA
March 2004
Rethink Breast Cancer presents
An Evening Devoted to the Health of your Breasts
Tuesday November 18, 2003, 6:30-9 p.m.
Distillery District, Toronto
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